Mission and Experience

AgriSolar Consulting was founded to promote land stewardship and farm viability as key tenets of the energy transition.

We are an impact-focused firm that believes strengthening global energy and food resilience requires innovative local solutions.


From niche-innovation to mainstream markets: Drivers and challenges of industry adoption of agrivoltaics in the U.S.

AgriSolar Policy Guide

Smart Solar in Connecticut: Farmer Survey Findings and Initial Recommendations

Examining Existing Policy to Inform a Comprehensive Legal Framework for Agrivoltaics in the U.S.

Integrating Solar Energy with Agriculture: Industry Perspectives on the Market, Community, and Socio-political Dimensions of Agrivoltaics

A First Investigation of Agriculture Sector Perspectives on the Opportunities and Barriers for Agrivoltaics

Do Agrivoltaics Improve Public Support for Solar Photovoltaic Development? A Survey on Perceptions, Preferences, and Priorities

Life Cycle Assessment of Pasture-based Agrivoltaic Systems: Emissions and Energy Use of Integrated Rabbit Production

The Social Dimensions of a Technological Innovation: Agrivoltaics in the U.S

Advancing Agrivoltaics Within the U.S. Legal Framework: A Multi-dimensional Assessment of Barriers & Opportunities


AgriSolar Clearinghouse Voices From the Field podcast - ”Sharing the Journey with AgriSolar Consulting; EP5"

PV Magazine - “Revolutionizing agrivoltaic design software with SPADE

Clean Power Hour podcast: “Alexis Pascaris, Founder and CEO of AgriSolar Consulting, Dual Use Solar and Agrivoltaics; EP124”

Public National Academy of Science - “How to expand solar power without using precious land

PV Magazine - “Where appropriate, agrivoltaics can certainly be a viable and meaningful alternative to large-scale solar

Ambrook Research - “For agrivoltaics, the right light matters

Fostering Social Acceptance of Solar Through Agrivoltaic Solutions

Understanding the Dynamic Forces Driving Agrivoltaic Innovation in the U.S.

Agrivoltaics in the United States: American Solar Grazing Association

Biosphere 2, University of Arizona